France 4, A Flavour Of The Campsite

Well here we are pitched up in the Cevennes. What's it like? Well as a librarian I suggest you read Robert Louis Stevenson's book "Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes", an account of his 12 day journey through the Cevennes with a stubborn donkey called Modestine. I don't think it's essentially changed very much. Here on the campsite it is very quiet apart from the wildlife. All day long until about 10.00 p.m. the cicadas belt out a noise equivilent to a pneumatic drill, just as they shut up and we are preparing to go to bed up starts the "Chorus Of A Thousand Frogs" (we are next to a river), then as the sun rises, from the field next door, so our very own version of Modestine salutes the dawn with much mighty braying. You can't beat rural peace can you!
This is for my female friends, men just don't understand. What is a girl's best friend on a holiday like this? Her hairdryer of course, and what did I forget to pack? You've got it! Well never mind I thought, all the good sites have them on the wall in the showers. Wrong! Well, managing without one was a disaster, I was walking around looking like freak of the week, everything that should have been straight was now curly. To make things worse I had to contend with a husband who everytime he looked at me started singing the theme tune from "Van der Valk". So into town we had to go to purchase a hairdryer. Back at the campsite I rush to the showers clutching new hairdryer, shampoo etc. I plug it in the socket, switch it on - nothing, try several others, same thing. This is the last straw, I stomp back to the tent to speak to my man to find he is talking to a Dutchman about football! This continues for 45 minutes while I sit, arms akimbo, hair frizzing nicely in the sun. Eventually he comes over and asks what is the matter. Well, I completely lost it at this point and had a world class, A1, hissy fit, or as some might say a toddler's tantrum. I yelled and shouted, cried, stamped my feet, demanded to go home and leave this S***ing place where nothing worked. Poor husband looked bewildered, men just don't understand, do they? Eventually all was sorted, the site manager checked the electrics and found the trip switch was down. Peace was restored, or should I say hair, and wifey generously agreed to stay! But I know I can count on the sympathy of all females over this. Thank you girls.

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